Program :- A program is a set of instructions that perform a specific tasks.

Python :-

  • It is created by Guido Van Rossum in the late 1980's at National research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science in the Netherlands.
  • Easy to learn and use.
  • It is very powerful and expressive high level language.
  • It is an open source, cross-platform, dynamic and interpreted high level language.
  • It is derived from many other languages such as ABC, Modula-3, C, C++, Algol-68, SmallTalk, and unix shell.
  • It's interpreter and extensive standard library available at "http://www.python.org/"
Features of Python :-
  • It is easy to use and learn.
  • It has a broad library.
  • It is a free and open source.
  • It is portable and interpreted.
  • It is based on object-oriented concepts.
  • It is extensible.
  • It is dynamically typed.
Modes of writing python code :- Basically we can write the python code in two modes
  1. Interactive Mode.
  2. Script mode.
Interactive mode :- 
  • Interactive mode is a command line shell which gives immediate results for each statement.
  • Interactive mode makes it easy to test code snippets before incorporating them into a larger program.
  • The ">>>" is called Python Prompt which indicates that we are in interactive mode i.e. it is ready to take input from the user.
Script Mode :- 
  • We use the script mode to write a set of statements in Python.
  • In this mode, a set of statements is stored in a file with .py extension.

IDLE :- It is a graphical "Integrated Development Environment" for Python. It contains a Python shell program that lets us type instruction into the compiler.

Different IDE where python code can be executed

  • Jupyter
  • Anaconda
  • Spyder
  • Gitbash with VSode
  • Pycharm
  • PyScripter IDE
  • Jython (Java)
  • IronPython (.NET)

Python as Interpreted Language :-
  • Python is interpreted language , i.e. it is processed at runtime by the interpreter and it need not to compile the program before executing it.
  • The interpreter checks through the code for errors and interprets the instructions into machine readable "bytecode"
  • This is similar to PERL and PHP.
Byte Code :- 
  • Python code is translated into intermediate code called byte code, which has to be executed by a virtual machine known as Python Virtual Machine (PVM).
  • A bytecode is a byte-long instruction that python interpreter generates and executes.
  • Execution of a python program means execution of the byte code on the Python Virtual Machine (PVM).
Applications of Python
  • Web development
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep learning
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • Scripting
  • Game development
  • System administration
  • GUI Programming
Python Character Set :- Character sets are the building blocks of any programming language. In Python basic program elements are identifier or variable, array, etc as given below.
Letters :- Uppercase Letters (A-Z)
                Lowercase Letters (a-z)
Digits :- 0.........9
Special Characters :- / * + \ " < > # ( ) = | { % - ; } [] / ^ - :' ? & _ '. 
White spaces :- Blank spaces, Tab, carriage return, newline, form feed
Other Characters :- It can process all ASCII and UNICODE character as part of data or literals.

Token :-  A token is the smallest unit of the program. The various tokens of python are shown below :

  • It is also known as Lexical unit.
  • In a passage of text, individual words and punctuation marks are called token or lexical units
  • Python has following tokens: -
  1. Keywords
  2. Identifiers
  3. Literals
  4. Operators
  5. Punctuation.

Keywords in Python :- 

  • Python keywords are special reserved words.
  • Convey a special meaning to the compiler / interpreter.
  • Each keyword has a special meaning and a specific operation.
  • It is not used as variable, method or class names.
  • There are 33 keywords in Python and are case sensitive.
  • Example : True, False, None, and, as , asset, def, class etc.
Literals in Python :- In Python literals mean data items that have a constant value. Following are the types of literals :-
  1. String Literals
  2. Numeric Literals
  3. Boolean Literals
  4. Special Literals
** These are the data which are stored in a variable.

String Literals :- It is a sequence of characters surrounded by quotes ( single, double or triple)
Example : - >>> name1 = "John"
                  >>> name2 = 'James'

Numeric Literals :-

+ve & -ve numbers (integers)
with no fractional part
Example :- 100, 24
unlimited integer size
followed by upper
or lower case L
Example :- 2345446L
Real numbers
with both integers
and fractional part
Example:- 213.32
In the form of
a + bj.
'a' form the real
part & 'bj' forms
the imaginary parts
Example :- 3+4j

Boolean Literals :- It can have two values "True" or "False" , where condition of two value is required.

Special Literals :- Python has one special Literal : None, It is used to specify that field which is not created.
Example:-   >>> val2 = None ("There is nothing here")

Identifier :- Identifiers are names given to program elements such as variables, arrays and functions. Basically, identifiers are the sequences of alphabet or digits.

Variable :- 

  • A variable is declared to hold some spaces in the memory.
  • The data stored in a variable can then be modified, stored or displayed whenever needed.
  • Example :- sum = 0   ("here sum is variable with a default value of 0 and when a user enters data, the variable changes to the data entered by users.
Escape Sequence :- 
  • It is a special character followed by a backslash (\).
  • This makes the normal character to be interpreted with a new meaning.
  • Example :- 'n' becomes new line character after adding (\), i.e. '\n'.
  • \\ - Backslash (\)
  • \' - single quote (')
  • \r - carriage return
  • \t - Horizontal tab
  • \000 - character set with octal value
Comment :- 

  • A line of text which starts with a hash (#) symbol is known as comment in Python
  • It will be skipped by the interpreter during the program execution. 
  • A comment can be written as a new line or with the statement or expression line.
  • Example : - >>> # This is a new line comment at interactive mode                              >>> x = 20  # This is comment with expression line
Delimiters :- Delimiters can be defined as a sequence of one or more characters that is used to specify the boundary between separate independent regions in plain text or other data streams.
Example :- Delimiter example is comma(,). for some method like split(), default limiter is whitespace.

Data :-  

  • The data we manipulate in Python consists of objects and names.
  • Each object in Python has three key attributes: a type,   a value & an id.
Data Types :- 
  •  Data type of a variable indicate the kind of value that a variable can store.
  • The data types indicates the attributes of the variable, such as range of values that can be stored and the operators that can be used to manipulate the variable,.
  • Python has a rich collection of data types.

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