Basic computer Organization
Basic computer Organization
Communication : - It is the act with the help of which we can transfer our views, information to another effectively.
Type of communication: - As we know that communication being able to tell other people what you want to say and this can be done in many ways i.e there are different ways or types of communication they are as follows :-
- Verbal form :- Communicating orally is verbal form of communication.
- Non-verbal form :- Communicating using body language, gesture or tone and pitch.
- Written form :- Communicating with the help of handwritten or printed information.
- Visual form:- Communicating with the help of picture, logos, posters, maps or charts etc.
Pros and Cons of verbal/oral communication:-
- It is straightforward to express the feeling, explain the meaning and convey the intended message as the speaker is present at the time of communication and can explain the intended meaning
- It is speedy form of communication.
- It provide instant feedback.
- This is preferred for maintaining relationship.
- It is not possible to communicate to people in s different setup.
- It require proximity i.e the sender and receiver must be at the same place, same time to communicate.
- It is not possible to keep record.
- It is not possible to represent things officially, legally and for another purpose that requires recorded information.
- It is not a complete form of communication as it requires other forms of communication for its completion.
- It involves emotional barriers.
Non-Verbal Communication: - It is the process of communication through
sending and receiving wordless messages between people using cues like gesture,
body language and voice tone etc.
Pros :
Pros :
- Very easy to demonstrate
- Very useful foe conveying message
- No language barrier
- Very fast
Cons :-
- Not suitable for lengthy message.
- It is an incomplete form of communication.
- It leads to the chance of misinterpretation.
- It is effected by regional and cultural differences.
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